Friday, July 20, 2012

Cyber-bullying from my experience....

I have been there, on the other side of the screen, humiliated by another, and hurt from the inside out. As a victim of cyber-bullying, I have learned that no matter what bullies say, it's up to you onhow well you deal with the situation.
After the first time I realized that it wasn't my fault it happened at all. It was their own doing. I had thought maybe I had done something which may have gotten me into this mess or maybe i just wasn't someone's favorite person.
After the second time it just wasn't worth it to care. I may have struggled with my self-esteem and walked with my head down in the school hallways, but even though that was who I was for that short period of time, I still had a chance to change who i was. So I gave myself a motto.
"You know I may look fat to you, but to God I am beautiful and perfect in my own way. You may say hurtful, deceiving words that may make my heart ache and tears fall from my eyes, but I am strong and I will make it through my life and make something big out of myself."
I know that God is there to comfort us in our times of need. No matter how big or small the situation is. I have learned so much about myself after all i have been through. And I have been able to choose who I want to become in my life. This has helped me to know who I am and hold my head up high when I walk.
I know now that this was something that was meant to happen to me to learn to treat myself with respect and help gain respect from others.

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